When a
child lives in a home that does not provide them with
consistent safety, comfort, and protection, and they not have a close
relationship with their parents or caregivers, they learn from a very young age
that they cannot rely on anyone for help. So, they develop unhealthy coping
mechanisms that they deem necessary for their survival and day-to-day
اضافة اعلان
They may become overly sensitive to any changes in
the moods of those around them, and learn to withhold their emotions, never
wanting anyone to know that they are either afraid, sad, or angry. When you
know that a certain child is experiencing physical and/or emotional threats,
their coping mechanisms will make sense but will stand in their way of creating
healthy and productive relationships that will limit their capacity to love and
be loved.
According to the National Institute of
Mental Health, childhood trauma is defined as “the experience of an event by a child
that is emotionally painful or distressful, which often results in lasting
mental and physical effects.” There are many ways in which a child can
experience trauma, from natural disasters, war, poverty, and homelessness to bullying,
physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Even though adults can also experience
trauma and be heavily affected by it, their maturity is an advantage that helps
them process trauma more. In children, however, trauma alters brain development
and results in developmental and behavioral issues.
Limits of the research
Research that explores the
link between trauma and cognitive development and, in turn, effective
interventions remains conceptually underdeveloped. This is due to the
difficulty of methodologically defining and monitoring the impact of trauma and
the lack of suitable ways to accurately assess the outcomes of interventions
taken to care for traumatized children. In addition, there is still a need for
better integration of neuroimaging and neuropsychological studies into research
on tracking cognitive development.
However, there are still some studies that have
tried to assess the impact of trauma on children’s development. One study that
gained attention was published in 2017 in the Neuroscience Journal titled
“Toward understanding the impact of trauma on the early developing human
brain”. One of its findings was that early trauma is associated with altered
function in neural pathways of a developing brain. We have neural stress
pathways and emotion processing pathways, and these are the pathways usually
impacted during exposure to trauma. Since these neural pathways are all
interconnected, when one of them is impacted by trauma, multiple other pathways
are most likely to be affected and changed. When exposure to trauma takes
place, it impedes cognitive function, selective attention, and reward
processing pathways.
Another study, published in the International
Journal of Psychology in 2020, looked at trauma exposure as well as
post-traumatic stress (PTS) symptoms among young Syrian refugees who attended
public schools in Jordan. The study found that boys reported more age-adjusted
PTS symptoms than girls. The study specifically looked at how family support
and gender moderated the association of trauma on PTS symptoms. Interestingly,
benefits of family support for boys was most evident under conditions of high
traumatic stress exposure. As for girls, benefits of family support were most
evident where there were no reported losses or injuries to family members. This
shows the importance of considering the different needs of boys and girls,
especially in the Middle Eastern cultural context, when designing school or
family-based interventions to treat PTS symptoms.
Effects of childhood trauma
According to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, child maltreatment is the leading preventable
cause of major mental illnesses, such as anxiety, depression, and
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Trauma, especially the exposure to
chronic, prolonged traumatic experiences, is most likely to have an effect on
all aspects of a child’s development from attachment, physical health,
emotional regulation, behavioral control, cognitive ability, and dissociation.
When a child experienced PTSD, they are reliving
that traumatic experience over and over again and they will do everything in
their power to avoid anything or anyone that may remind them of their trauma.
Many children believe that they missed warning signs that predicted their
traumatic experience. They therefore become hypervigilant, looking for signs
that something bad might happen again. There are several ways in which the
effects of trauma manifest in the lives of children exposed to it.
Attachment and relationships
Children learn how to trust
others, regulate their emotions, and develop a sense of safety and security
through the relationship they have with their parent or caregiver. When that
relationship is unstable or unpredictable, or when a child is exploited or
abused by a loved one, it teaches them that the world is a scary, terrible
place. As a result, the majority of abused or neglected children struggle to
create or maintain stable relationships with others because they tend to expect
the worst from them. They also have difficulty expressing and controlling their
emotions, which can result in violent or inappropriate responses in certain
Physical health
The stress that results from
experiencing a traumatic event can impair the development of a child’s immune
and central nervous systems and puts them at a higher risk of developing
chronic diseases such as asthma, coronary heart disease, diabetes, strokes,
autoimmune diseases, as well as cancer. Complexly traumatized youth may suffer
from body dysregulation where they may over-or under-respond to stimuli. In
addition to their psychical health, their mental health is heavily impacted as
well and can result in them developing anger issues, anxiety disorder,
depression, and other psychotic disorders.
... Childhood trauma is defined as “the experience of an event by a child that is emotionally painful or distressful, which often results in lasting mental and physical effects.”
Emotion regulation
When a child experiences
trauma, they have a difficulty identifying, expressing, and managing
their emotions, and their emotional responses may be explosive due to
internalizing stress. It is not unlikely to see a traumatized child throwing
tantrums or always guarded and defensive. They might even regress to
thumb-sucking and bed-wetting. In school, they become easily frustrated and
give up on tasks as soon as a challenge presents itself because their body is
used to shutting down in times of stress. While some traumatized children are
hyperaware and seem to be always prepared for any threat that may befall them,
others may become emotionally numb to such threats which puts them at the risk
of revictimization.
Cognitive ability
Traumatized children tend to
have trouble thinking clearly, problem-solving, negotiating, and reasoning.
They have a difficulty planning ahead and anticipating the future, because when
a child grows up in conditions of constant threat, all of their efforts are
directed towards survival and their bodies and minds are always in a state of
preparation to deal with chronic stress. This makes it difficult for them to
acquire new skills or absorb new information. It infringes on their ability to
be creative and curious, and disrupts their attention. It is not abnormal for
children who live with complex trauma to show signs of language and/or
developmental delay and deficits in abstract reasoning skills, and require
heavy one-on-one academic and emotional support.
Dissociation in children
happens when they experience traumatic or overwhelming experiences, where they
mentally separate themselves from the experience. Their
brain rejects the
experience as a defense mechanism and they experience themselves as detached
from their body; they are simply watching what is happening to their body but
not registering it as something happening to them. This may result in the loss
of all memories or senses related to the experience. This is why many victims
may find it difficult to have an accurate, detail-oriented recollection of
their trauma. It is vital for parents, caregivers, and communities in general
to understand the concept of dissociation when dealing with victims of trauma,
especially those who have endured physical and/or sexual abuse.
Not believing a victim simply because they are
incapable of describing what happened to them in specific detail has many
adverse outcomes on top of their trauma. The damaging rhetoric that a man must
always be tough and never complain or show any negative emotions, and a woman
always being too sensitive and complaining about nothing of real consequence
are unfortunately still common in Middle Eastern communities. If nothing is
done to combat such stereotypes, children’s mental health services will not be
able to adequately cater to the needs of traumatized children and youth.
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