Sometimes children
might do things that do not make a lot of sense, and that is because they may
occasionally have thoughts they feel like they should do something about. For
example, they might insist on wearing a certain “lucky” shirt, otherwise their
day would be filled with bad luck.
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However for some children, these thoughts and the
resulting actions are persistent and no matter how hard they try, they cannot
make them go away. If so, then that may be the case of a child with
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
What is OCD?
According to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, children with (OCD) experience “unwanted
thoughts, and the behaviors they feel they must do because of the thoughts,
happen frequently, take up a lot of time (more than an hour a day), interfere
with their activities, or make them very upset”.
Children with OCD experience thoughts that are
called obsessions and their behaviors in response to those thoughts are called
For any thought, image, or idea to be considered an
obsession, it must be unwanted, persistent, and extremely distressing and
worrying for those experiencing it. As for compulsions, they must be done
repeatedly in an attempt to relieve the anxiety experienced as a result of
these upsetting and intrusive thoughts.
OCD remains a wildly misunderstood psychiatric
disorder; even its classification has changed over the years, as we begin to
understand more about it. During the previous edition of the DSM (the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), it fell under the class
of anxiety disorders due to the severe levels of anxiety it can bring, as well as
the compulsions or rituals performed as an attempt to relieve such anxiety.
However under the fifth and latest edition of the DSM, it now falls under its
own class of “obsessive-compulsive and related disorders”.
There are many myths surrounding OCD in children,
and the longer they prevail, the more difficult it is to battle this difficult
disorder. Therefore it is vital to debunk some of these myths and update our
knowledge on OCD in order to be able to be of service to those who have it, and
not add to their anxieties. Here are some myths surrounding OCD in children:
‘OCD is not that common in children’
According to Jeff Szymanski,
one of the world’s leading authorities on OCD and the executive director of the
International OCD Foundation, at least one in every 200 children and
adolescents has OCD. He even suggests that the age of onset can be as young as
4 years old. To put it in perspective, that is the same number of children with
diabetes, and no one considers diabetes to be rare. Moreover, in half of the
adults with OCD, the onset came before the age of 15.
There are no reported studies focused on OCD in
Jordanian children, which only goes to prove how far behind we are in its
research and, consequently, treatment.
Proper support for children with OCD should start
with investing in regional and national research, and having available
statistics that accurately reflect the reality of OCD in our region.
‘OCD is a result of childhood trauma’
Some people believe that a
child who develops OCD had to have grown up in a dysfunctional and/or abusive
home, or that he experienced some kind of major trauma that resulted in them
developing OCD. The truth is that what happens to you in your childhood plays
an insignificant role in having OCD.
While the cause of OCD is not yet known, research
suggests that it may be a combination of brain problems and genetics. Most
researchers believe that OCD tends to run in families. Studies have shown that
people with OCD lack a chemical called serotonin in their brain.
‘OCD is all about
being a neat freak and wanting things clean’
While it is true that obsessions with cleanliness are common in children
with OCD, researchers argue that a cleanliness complex can also be a
personality trait that one has control over. The only way for cleanliness to be
classified as OCD is if it results in absolute debilitating and unrelenting
anxiety that disrupts daily functioning. The same goes for wanting things to
look neat. Not every child with OCD experiences obsessions and compulsions with
tidiness and cleanliness.
Some other common obsessions that children with OCD
may experience are: fear of sickness, with some developing specific obsessions
related to the death of their parents, preoccupation with order and symmetry,
violent images and unwanted thoughts of causing harm to others or themselves,
trouble with any thought that may go against their personal and religious
beliefs, and spending long periods touching things and thinking about numbers
and sequences.
Some common compulsions can range from repeated
handwashing, hoarding, counting and recounting, repeating after others, asking
the same questions over and over again, making rude or obscene gestures, or
checking and rechecking to make sure that the door is locked.
‘COVID-19 is causing OCD in children’
Although difficult to
believe by some, and much like stress, COVID-19 has not been a cause for OCD in
children. What the pandemic did cause, however, was an exacerbation of existing
symptoms in children and adolescents with OCD.
The first recorded study to look at the immediate
effects of COVID-19 on children and adolescents with OCD found that in both
distributed groups, one with children newly diagnosed and the other with
children who have had a diagnosis for years, participants experienced a
“worsening of their OCD, anxiety, and depressive symptoms”.
‘We are all a bit
OCD at times, it is not that big of a deal’
This myth about OCD may be
one of the most harmful. Belittling or disregarding the experience of people,
specifically children, with OCD can lead to catastrophic results. OCD is
classified as a disorder for a reason, and the brains of children who have it
have been proven to be wired differently. It is not a character trait or some
trending personality quirk; it cannot be “switched off”, and millions of
children around the world have their lives and their development continuously
disrupted because of it.
‘There is a test that can detect OCD’
Unfortunately there are no
known tests that can detect OCD. The only way to obtain an official diagnosis
is through a licensed child psychiatrist. The process of diagnosis happens
through a full mental health evaluation of the child and through making sure
that the child is in fact experiencing persistent and involuntary obsessions
and compulsions that are severe and disruptive to their daily living. The main
criterion is for rituals or activities such as handwashing or checking that the
door is locked to take up more than an hour every day.
Adults with OCD, in most scenarios, can at least
realize that their actions are not normal to a certain extent, but that is much
harder in the case of children who do not realize how irrational and abnormal
their thoughts and actions are. When those around them do not understand their
need to perform such rituals to rid themselves of such thoughts, their levels
of anxiety worsens and they feel misunderstood and even unsafe in their
‘You cannot treat OCD’
While there is no known cure
for OCD, different treatments are available and have shown promising results.
Treatment will of course differ depending on the child’s age, symptoms, and
other factors concerning their general health. The first line of treatment
recommended by professionals is therapy using cognitive and behavioral methods
that focus on the child identifying and understanding their fears. Then they
focus on behavioural methods that aim to teach the child how to cope with those
fears and as a result learn to better resolve them. The therapist will, for
example, set rules or set a limit to the number of times and the length of time
that a child may wash his/her hands.
Exposure therapy is a psychological treatment in
which the child must face their fears. It is preferable for exposure therapy to
be done by a professional therapist. You must never attempt to do exposure
therapy on a child without the supervision of a mental health professional.
Therapists will sometimes give specific instructions to a child’s parents or
caregivers on how to continue with exposure therapy at home.
Another available treatment option is medication,
such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), to help boost
serotonin levels in the brain.
It is important to know that the earlier the intervention
the more likely you can play a key role in easing the symptoms and enhancing
normal development. Understanding that this is a debilitating illness,
especially for children, and keeping open channels of communication with your
child will significantly improve the quality of their day-to-day living.
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