Even the best-behaved
children will have their moments, when they are difficult
to deal with, especially if they are tired, hungry, anxious, or upset. They
might talk back, throw tantrums, and defy rules. Such oppositional behavior is
considered a normal part of development, especially in children ages 2-3 and in
early adolescents.
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However, some children show a persistent pattern of
hostility, irritability, defiance, and uncooperativeness that stands out when
compared to other children of the same age and developmental level. When this
behavior starts to disrupt the child’s family, social, and academic life,
he/she may have
oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).
The typical age of onset of ODD is 8. Symptoms
usually remain stable until the age of 10, then typically, but not always,
start declining. ODD is a treatable condition that often may require
psychotherapy and parent management training. If ODD is not properly diagnosed
and treated, it may persist into adulthood. Almost 30 percent of children with
ODD develop a more serious behavioral condition called conduct disorder.
Prevalence of ODD
It is important to
acknowledge that there are no perfect sources of data to accurately measure the
prevalence of ODD in children, but an estimated global prevalence, detected by
all sources, according to The Spanish Journal of Psychiatry, stands at 16.1
percent. Interestingly, the prevalence goes down to around 9.5 percent when the
subjects are detected by only one informant, with parents being more able to
detect ODD in their children than teachers. The range of prevalence varies
because some children are misdiagnosed and many teenagers are often
A 2018 study published in The Journal of Child
Psychology and
Psychiatry showed an 11.7 percent prevalence of behavioral
problems amongst Jordanian adolescents. The study also found a correlation
between behavioral problems and a lower GPA. Another study, of adolescents in
institutional care in Joran, saw an increase in behavioral problems due to
family disintegration, maltreatment, or abandonment.
There is a significant gap in literature on studies
and statistics on ODD in Jordan and in the
Middle East due to the stigma
surrounding mental health conditions — especially ones related to behavior —
that result in children and adolescents often being underdiagnosed and not
receiving sufficient treatment. This is highly tied to the way Jordanian
families inaccurately value the community’s perception of them. They believe
that their child having any sort of behavioral condition will reflect poorly on
their family image and their parenting, so they decide to deal with it
themselves, without seeking any kind of professional help. Unfortunately, such
fear is not unfounded.
According to a study published in The Journal of
Child Psychology and Psychiatry, ODD remains the leading cause of referral to
youth mental health services. Many uncertainties surround ODD, mainly due to
the fact that it is rarely ever examined as a distinct psychiatric disorder.
ODD is usually comorbid with at least one other mental health condition. The
most common conditions present alongside ODD are attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorders, learning difficulties, mood
disorders, and impulse control disorders. It is believed that around 40 percent
of children with
ADHD are diagnosed with ODD as well.
Who does ODD affect?
There is no specific known cause for ODD. However, researchers believe in
two main theories, developmental and learning, that put certain children at a
higher risk of developing ODD. The developmental theory suggests that the
problem begins when children are toddlers and, as they grow, they have trouble
learning to become independent from a parent or a person they were emotionally
attached to. As for the learning theory, it suggests that the negative symptoms
of ODD are learned attitudes. Children mirror the effects of negative
reinforcement methods used by parents, which exacerbate their ODD behavior,
which allow them to get what they always want: attention and reaction from
parents and others.
Oppositional defiant disorder is a condition in which a child displays a pattern of uncooperative, defiant and angry behavior toward people in authority.
Other risk factors include a history of child abuse
or neglect, and exposure to violence, which result in children with ODD being
more aggressive, hostile, and vindictive. Family issues such as mood disorders,
substance abuse, financial problems, divorce, and other destabilizing factors
are prominent risk factors as well. Parents who are inconsistent with their
discipline methods also put their children at a higher risk of increased ODD
Genetics also plays and important role. Researchers
also found biological factors that link ODD to issues with certain
neurotransmitters, leading to off-balanced chemicals and messages not making it
through the brain correctly. Results of a 2017 study released in The Journal of
Family Psychology show that the genetic influence of ODD becomes more prominent
as maternal involvement decreases.
What does ODD look like?
Symptoms of ODD are usually
most visible at home and at school, but are also noticeable in multiple other
settings. Signs and symptoms can be grouped into three main categories: anger
and irritability, argumentative and defiant behavior, and vindictiveness.
Children with ODD are likely to lose their temper easily and have frequent
outbursts of anger and resentment toward a parent, teacher, or others. They may
come off as touchy and/or disrespectful. They are very easily annoyed by others
and are irritated by the most miniscule things.
Children with ODD are likely to excessively argue
with authority figures and refuse to comply with rules and requests. This can
be especially difficult in a classroom environment, as it can easily disrupt
the class ecosystem and cause tension between the child with ODD and
who will find it difficult to contain them or even reason with them. A child
with ODD may deliberately pick fights with other students then proceed to blame
them for their own mistakes and refuse to apologize.
Vindictiveness is another important sign of ODD
diagnosis, as children with ODD tend to be spiteful and constantly seek
revenge. They may say mean and hateful things when they are angry or upset.
In terms of gender differences, the prevalence of
ODD is significantly higher in boys than in girls, with one study published in
The Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology showing results of a 1.59:1 prevalence
ratio. Boys with ODD tend to have more leeway, especially in Middle Eastern
cultures, to externalize their aggressive behavior and display more symptoms of
deliberately annoying others; they show a greater functional impairment in
school and the wider community context.
It is important to take ODD signs and symptoms
seriously and not pass them off as “boys being boys”, as they may cause serious
harm to those around the child, and, more importantly, to the child himself.
Treatment and diagnosis of ODD
An ODD diagnosis means that
a child must have had at least four of the symptoms described in the DSM-5 for
a period of at least six months. Such symptoms must clearly disrupt a child’s
daily functioning. After a
child psychologist or psychiatrist uses interviews
and assessment tools to evaluate a child, he should also rely on reports from
the child’s parents, siblings, and teachers to get a full understanding of the
child’s behavior. Since ODD may be taken for other mental health conditions, it
is important to be transparent with your mental health professional with
regards to the child’s behavior and history of symptoms.
Treatment for ODD will vary based on multiple
factors, such as the child’s age, the severity of symptoms, the ability to tolerate
and cooperate with specific therapies and whether the child has other mental
health conditions such as ADHD. So far, there is no approved medication for ODD
treatment, but a child psychiatrist may prescribe certain medication to treat
other conditions, such as ADHD, OCD or depression, which can contribute to
helping decrease ODD symptoms. Treatment may consist of a combination of parent
management training, psychotherapy, and school-based interventions.
Parent management training is a vital tool in
treating ODD because it provides parents with strategies on how to change their
child’s behavior at home by utilizing positive reinforcement to drive out
unwanted behaviors. It also helps them identify factors in their home life that
may contribute to worsening aggressive behavior.
Psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral
therapy-based anger management has shown to successfully teach children with
ODD problem-solving skills, perspective-taking and adopting healthier thinking
patterns and behavior.
It is important for schools to adopt tools and strategies to
help teachers improve a child with ODD classroom behavior, show them how to
follow classroom rules and teach them acceptable social interaction.
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