Parents teach their
children important life skills from a very young age in
hopes of raising a child who can grow into a balanced and independent adult.
For that to happen, children need to be taught social-emotional skills that
will help guide them with setting goals, making decisions, coping with their
emotions, and getting along with, and feeling empathy for others.
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Through these skills, children can begin to
understand who they are and what to expect when interacting with those around
them. And a growing body of research evidence proves that children who acquire
a strong foundation of social-emotional skills in their early years are far
better equipped to deal with life’s daily challenges, make informed decisions,
and build positive relationships.
These valuable skills can be taught through
social-emotional learning (SEL).
So, what is SEL?
SEL is the process of
developing the
self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills that are
vital for school, work, and life success. Children exposed to and taught SEL
benefit emotionally, academically, and socially. Through SEL, children learn
how to solve problems effectively and develop the self-discipline it takes to
set ambitious goals and follow through with them.
(Photo: Freepik)
In addition, SEL targets impulse control and helps
children develop the ability to manage their emotions effectively.
A 2013 longitudinal study published in the
Journal of Adolescent Health found that in schools that implemented SEL programs,
students were 42 percent less likely to say they were involved in physical
aggression. A 2015 study by the Hammill Institute on Disabilities found that
implementing SEL programs led to 20 percent less bullying of students with
SEL is also a core component in school-based
bullying prevention programs. That is because raising well-rounded students
capable of conflict resolution and controlling their impulses ultimately leads
to students who do not feel the need to bully because their social and
emotional needs are being met.
While research on SEL in the MENA region is still
emerging, some private schools in Jordan have already begun implementing SEL
programs as part of their educational curriculum.
A 2021 study published in the International Journal
of Curriculum and Instruction focused on the impact of an SEL program on
reducing math anxiety in middle school Jordanian students and found a positive
correlation between the two. Another study published in the International Journal
of Psychological Studies found that emotional intelligence training that
includes elements of SEL enhanced student social and academic adjustment among
adolescents and adult students in the Kingdom’s north.
Five core competencies
SEL comprises five core
competencies that work collaboratively to ensure balanced and well-rounded
Self-Awareness: The first area focuses on
identifying and understanding one’s emotions, recognizing strengths and needs,
deconstructing thoughts, values, and experiences, and recognizing how these can
influence actions. The goal of self-awareness is to develop a growth mindset
that allows a person to take on challenges, learn and move on from their
mistakes, therefore increasing their achievements and abilities.
Self-awareness provides the foundation children need
to foster optimism and establish and maintain healthy relationships with
others. When a child learns to recognize how their thoughts and feelings impact
their behavior, it encourages them to make a positive change in their life.
Self-Management: The second area allows children to
regulate and control emotions, thoughts, and behaviors they had previously
identified, control their impulses and set realistic goals. This is achieved
through working on areas such as stress management, improving organizational
skills, and working on self-discipline.
Self-management is
heavily tied to enhancing academic performance because it focuses on the
ability to set goals and work towards them. Utilizing self-management strategies
can take many forms, but they usually focus on self-reflection and undertaking
a realistic evaluation of oneself to take the appropriate next step positively
and constructively.
Social awareness: Once the concepts of
self-awareness and self-management have been introduced and implemented,
children are introduced to the concept of social awareness.
Social awareness
requires perspective taking, showing empathy, appreciating diversity, and
treating others fairly. Through developing their social awareness, children can
establish and maintain healthy social interactions and relationships,
positively impacting their family, school, and the greater community.
While some might think that concepts such as equity
and diversity might be too difficult to introduce to children, especially
younger ones, it has been proven that the earlier such concepts are introduced,
the more likely children are to grasp them and believe in them. When you teach
a child that everyone’s differences are unique and worthy of respect, they
begin to develop empathy for others and consider their circumstances
surrounding things such as gender, age, race, culture, religion, social class,
and financial situations.
Responsible decision-making: Once a child becomes
more socially aware, they begin to make healthier decisions. Responsible
decision-making is the ability to make constructive and positive choices based
on social and individual factors. This includes academic goals, consequences of
personal behavior, ethical standards, social norms, and safety concerns.
As children navigate day-to-day life, they are
forced to make large and small decisions when facing a broad variety of
different situations that require their attention and consideration to ensure a
positive outcome. This compels them to consider the consequences of their
actions, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and know when to ask for
help when making important decisions.
Relationship skills: Relationship skills such as
communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution are concerned with a
child’s ability to make positive connections with others, as well as their
ability to establish and maintain mutually rewarding relationships because they
were able to take their emotions into account when having social interactions.
Through these skills, your child will learn to
compromise, be thoughtful and considerate of others’ feelings, build positive
relationships, and contribute to their work and school environment.
When put together and taught comprehensively and
holistically in schools and at home, these five core competencies can transform
a child and allow them to pursue their goals, manage their emotions, improve
their overall attitudes, listen actively, have a strong sense of self, respect
the opinions of others, and maintain healthy relationships.
There are many ways in which SEL can be taught in
classrooms, all depending on the age group, school culture, and individual
differences of each student. For example, teachers can explain concepts using
their words with accompanying pictures and videos. Students must also practice
concepts through group work and discussion, class activities, partner work, and
individual writing.
Concepts being introduced at school will, of course,
require reinforcement at home through teacher-parent collaboration. It is
important that at the end of each unit, the teacher checks for understanding
and re-explains when necessary.
Making the informed decision to teach SEL at schools
means that proactive measures are being taken to offer an all-inclusive
education for students across the country regardless of where they come from.
SEL is a long road that starts at kindergarten all the way
through high school, and it requires grit and perseverance from students,
parents, teachers, and the wider community to ensure that children’s emotional
and social needs are prioritized in the hope of turning their dreams into a
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