Mobile games you should check out

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(Photos: SContent, IGDB)
Putting the phone down can be hard nowadays, but rest assured, we are not here to encourage you to put it down.

Instead, we are offering you some new video games — away from Candy Crush, Angry Birds, or Clash of Clans — to entertain you between scrolling through emails, social media, or responding to messages. اضافة اعلان

So, let us talk about some hidden gems you might not have heard about yet.

Call of Antia
Call of Antia falls under the “Match 3” genre of mobile games. This should be a bit familiar to anyone who has heard of or seen what Candy Crush’s gameplay looks like. But, Call of Antia shines not in its matching mechanics but its RPG ones.

As you start, you are given a quick intro to the story and the basic hand-holding mechanics that most mobile games tend to utilize. Go to this area, fight this boss, upgrade this building — you get the gist of it.

Once you start getting into the game, you realize there is much more to it than meets the eye. Everything you gain by leveling up your account and completing objectives rewards you with a resource of sorts, which you can then use to upgrade your building (which provides you passive resource gain), your heroes (which are your core means of story progression) and so much more.

Call of Antia definitely has something for everyone, and you will be hooked before you know it.

Legends of Runterra
Most people know Riot Games for its multiplayer online batter arena game, League of Legends. But, not many people know it for Legends of Runterra (LoR).

LoR is a digital collectible card game where you use the cards you collect to battle it out with other players or progress through the story missions that will reward you with more cards to utilize. If you have played or heard of Hearthstone, these mechanics might seem familiar.

The game is not offering something new; there are plenty of these card games available for you to try out, but what LoR offers is unique storytelling and an overall balanced gameplay.

Not many of these games tend to succeed due to balancing issues with their card battle systems, and many definitely do not provide more detailed lore into a massively popular franchise. So, if you are into strategy games or just like card games that are player versus player, LoR should be on your list.

Dislyte is something else. Even the creators refer to it as a “stylish, urban mythological RPG,” and boy is it stylish. Not many games out there stand out too much these days when it comes to the RPG mobile game formula, but, Dislyte practically assaults your eyes with its graphical fidelity and pizzazz.

In the game, you play as humans who have become awakened god-like beings to fight off the monsters who have not invaded your planet. Is this story original? Not really, but the gameplay is intrinsic, bodacious, colorful, and, most importantly, fun.

So, if you are into RPGs, creative character designs, and a soundtrack that will get you grooving, Dislyte should be right up your alley.

Apex Legends Mobile
Pretty much everyone knows Apex Legends at this point, but it does not seem like many people have heard that it has finally been released on mobile.

Apex Legends Mobile stays true to its desktop and console counterpart, having all the same mechanics and game elements that you have gotten used to over the years.

But before you go thinking that it is just going to be the same game, Respawn Entertainment made it a point to add elements that are exclusive to the mobile version of the game. This ranged from cosmetics, game modes, and even a new playable character that is only available to mobile users.

So, if you enjoy playing shooters on your phone, look no further than Apex Legends Mobile.

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds
It’s a bit strange this game has not received the amount of traction it deserves. Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds (NNK: CW) is an open-word Studio Ghibli masterpiece. The graphics in this game are bursting with Ghibli nostalgia, making it indistinguishable from one of their animated films.

With customizable characters, you yourself can be thrown into the gorgeous world NNK: CW has to offer.

Choose one of the five character classes available, make a bond with a familiar, and begin your grand adventure to discover what this world has to offer.

If you are a fan of Studio Ghibli films, their soundtracks, or even just like a good old MMORPG, then NNK: CW is something you will need to check out.

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