Day 1: Take stock of your relationships
In 1938, researchers at Harvard set out to learn what makes a
person thrive. They recruited 724 participants and tracked their lives, from
childhood to final days.
اضافة اعلان
Now, 85 years later, the study has expanded to three generations
and more than 1,300 descendants of the original subjects. From all the data,
one clear finding has emerged: Strong relationships are what make for a happy
In a new book, “The Good Life: Lessons From the World’s Longest
Scientific Study of Happiness,” Dr Robert Waldinger, a professor of psychiatry
at Harvard Medical School and the study’s fourth director, and Marc Schulz, an
associate director of the study and a psychology professor at Bryn Mawr
College, have distilled the study’s insights.
If you do one thing this year to ensure your health and
happiness, the authors maintain, find the time to nurture and develop
relationships. “Social fitness” is just as crucial as physical fitness, said
Waldinger, who added that neglected relationships can atrophy like muscles.
The range and
strength of your social ties can be a crucial element of living a happy life.
“Our social life is a living system, and it needs exercise,” he
said. “It’s a choice you make to invest in, week by week, year by year — one
that has huge benefits.”
The Harvard study is far from the only one to have found a link
between our relationships and happiness. Ample research shows that people who
are more socially connected live longer and are more protected against stress,
depression, and declines in memory and language.
Loneliness, on the other hand, damages our physical health.
“I believe loneliness is one of the defining public health
concerns of our time,” Surgeon General Vivek Murthy wrote in an email.
Today you will identify areas of your life in which you would
like to be more connected.
Do not get hung up on the number of friends, Waldinger said. It
is the quality of your relationships, not the quantity.
While adult friendships require effort, happiness is not out of
reach if you are shy or introverted, Waldinger said. You can engage with others
in settings focused on things you care about. Try small, controlled activities
like a knitting group, hiking, or working in a community garden.
People often assume it is too late for them to build
relationships, Waldinger said, but that is never the case. He said “The Good
Life” had many examples of people who made connections later in life, like a
lonely 68-year-old who joined a gym after he retired. Three months later, he
had more friends than ever before.
Day 2: The secret power of the eight-minute phone call
Think of a person you love: someone you miss, someone you wish
you connected with more often.
Send that person a quick text asking to chat on the phone for
eight minutes — ideally today, but if not, schedule it for sometime this week.
After the eight minutes are up, decide together when your next
such catch-up will be, and then honor your time commitment and sign off
promptly (unless your friend is having some sort of crisis, in which case it is
good that you got in touch anyway). Hang up and enjoy that little glow of
Your relationships
play a central role in your health.
Waldinger said that most busy people “tend to think that in some
unspecified future we will have a ‘time surplus,’ where we’ll be able to
connect with old friends.” That may never materialize, he said, so pick up the
phone and invest the time right now.
A study of 240 adults in 2021 found that when participants
received brief phone calls a few times a week, their levels of depression,
loneliness, and anxiety were “rapidly reduced” compared with people who did not
receive a call.
As Waldinger writes in his book, “a few adjustments to our most
treasured relationships can have real effects on how we feel, and on how we
feel about our lives — a gold mine of vitality that we are not paying attention
Day 3: Small talk has big benefits
As often as you can today, Waldinger said, “seek out and notice
opportunities for friendly moments of uplift.”
Ask your supermarket checkout person how her day is going.
Comment on a stranger’s cute baby (few people can resist talking about their
Your loose network of casual acquaintances, and even strangers,
known collectively as “weak ties”, might not seem important, but it is. Brief
but warm exchanges have a direct effect on happiness, Waldinger said. These
kinds of minute interactions can affect your mood and energy throughout the
day, and ongoing research begun in the 1970s has shown that they contribute to
a greater sense of well-being.
An eight-minute phone
call with a good friend can have measurable effects on your happiness.
Yes, making small talk can be awkward. But people tend to like
us more than we presume. This is what researchers termed, in a 2018 study, a
“liking gap”.
“Our studies suggest that after people have conversations,” they
wrote, “they are liked more than they know.”
Weak ties often have different knowledge from those in our
immediate social circle, said Stav Atir, an assistant professor of management
at the Wisconsin School of Business at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Atir led a study in 2022 that suggested that people underestimate the potential
for learning from these interactions.
Think about times over the past 10 years or so when you have
been on a plane or train and struck up a conversation with someone you did not
know. Did they say something that stuck with you? Even the most fleeting
connection can have an impact, said Alisha Ali, an associate professor of
applied psychology at New York University.
“It doesn’t need to be something that appears deep for it to be
deeply felt,” she said. “You never know what a given encounter will reveal.”
Day 4: Why you should write a ‘living eulogy’
Think about an important person in your life. What would you
thank this person for if you thought you would never see each other again?
Quickly write down what you would say, with as many specific examples as
possible: a eulogy for the living.
Then send it — by email, text, handwritten note, whatever. Just
send it.
Writing down 10
things that you are grateful your partner did, in other words, creating a
“living eulogy,” can add to your feelings of well-being and connectedness.
The happiest people take time to explicitly cherish the people
they love, Waldinger said. Writing a note of appreciation to someone, research
has shown, has an immediate positive impact on feelings of well-being and
connectedness, for both you and the recipient.
“Something that holds a lot of people back from reaching out is
that they might be wondering, ‘Is it weird that I’m reaching out after all this
time? What are they going to think?’” said Peggy Liu, an associate professor at
the University of Pittsburgh’s Katz Graduate School of Business, who led a 2022
study in which participants sent a short note to someone in their social circle
with whom they had not interacted in a while. “But the recipients aren’t
thinking about that. They are thinking: ‘Someone has taken the time to reach
out. They thought about me.’”
Guy Winch, a psychologist in New York City and a host of the
podcast “Dear Therapists,” recommended a similar exercise to strengthen bonds
in couples.
Write down 10 specific things your partner has done that you
appreciate. Your partner should do the same. Then clear some time when you can
read your lists aloud to each other. Look at your partner after you read each
item on your list. Talk about how each gesture makes you feel. Then have your
partner read their list to you.
Day 5: The importance of work friends
Reach out to someone at work — or, if you are a student, at
school — whom you would like to know better. If you are retired or a parent who
does not work outside the home, you can still participate: Consider your
“workplace” anywhere you might go regularly: a class, an organization where you
volunteer, or even a coffee shop.
Here are four ways to forge new workplace connections:
People who are close to their colleagues at
work are happier and more productive.
For someone you do not know: One
of the best ways to foster a workplace friendship is to follow up about
something that a person mentioned in a meeting or a group setting, said Shasta
Nelson, a friendship expert and the author of “The Business of Friendship”.
“Later, you can say, ‘How did that 5K race go that you said you
were going to do?’ Or ‘I hope your daughter isn’t feeling sick anymore.’”
For someone you would like to know better: Invite
the person to do something casual that only takes a few minutes, along the
lines of: “I need to clear my head. Do you want to take a quick walk around the
block with me?”
Or give a specific, thoughtful compliment, suggested Gena Cox,
an organizational psychologist and executive coach based in Clearwater,
If you work remotely: Show
up early on a call and make conversation before everyone gets down to business.
Give a co-worker a shoutout for their contribution, Waldinger said, or ask them
about an interesting object in their background, or about their pet dozing
behind them.
You can also message them and request a quick, friendly chat,
Nelson said. “You can say, ‘I’d love to hear your story about how you came to
work here.’”
If you are a manager: Before
a meeting starts, try a few icebreakers: “What was your first job?” or “What
was the worst advice you’ve ever received?” These sorts of exercises “create
conditions where friendships naturally blossom,” said Ron Friedman, a social
psychologist and the author of “The Best Place to Work.”
“Far too many employers leave close connections to chance. That
is a mistake.”
Day 6: Do not cancel those plans
Make a social plan and put it on the calendar. If you have ever
told someone you like that you should get coffee “sometime,” today is the day.
“Many of us might be out of shape when it comes to socializing,”
said Philip Gable, an associate professor of psychological and brain sciences
at the University of Delaware. Motivate yourself to go out by setting small
goals, he suggested. Instead of committing to be at a party for three hours, he
said, give yourself a half-hour, or vow that you’ll chat with three people. And
of course, it does not have to be a party. A face-to-face human interaction of
any sort, especially one that might build toward more social dates in the
future, is what we are aiming for today.
interaction is one key to happiness, so if you think you will be happier
staying home, you are wrong.
A good way to build ties is by joining a group that meets
regularly, like a pickleball team. Researchers call that regular proximity with
other humans propinquity and have shown that the more propinquity we have, the
greater the chances are that we will form friendships.
Get creative. Dig in a neighborhood community garden. Volunteer
with a dog-rescue group. Join a local walking club.
A 2016 study found that people who had “multiple group
identifications” — such as church communities, hobby groups, support groups or
sports teams — had greater levels of happiness.
Jenn Granneman, the founder of the online community Introvert,
Dear and the author of the coming book “Sensitive: The Hidden Power of the
Highly Sensitive Person in a Loud, Fast, Too-Much World,” has said that
introverts aren’t antisocial but instead selectively social.
Introverts can cultivate a sense of belonging by “looking for
passions rather than friends,” said Susan Cain, the author of “Quiet: The Power
of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking.”
Introverts can summon the resolve to initiate plans by telling
themselves they’re “giving the gift of going first,” Granneman added. “Send the
text, ask the question or plan a date. You might be surprised at how much the
other person appreciates you reaching out.”
Day 7: Keep happiness going all year long
Now that we have the tools to improve our “social fitness,” the
work of sustaining it begins. Waldinger, who created this challenge with me and
other experts, offered three quick tips for the year ahead.
Set specific relationship goals. Waldinger
advised committing to making strengthening your bonds an ongoing practice.
“Be realistic,” he said. “Could you do one small thing a few
times a week to promote connections, like send one text or email to someone to
say hello? Could your goal be to get together with a friend once each week?”
Start small and level up.
Nelson, author of several books, including “Frientimacy: How to
Deepen Friendships for Lifelong Health and Happiness,” suggested making a list
of the people you want to feel closer to a year from now. Having this physical
reminder will help you look for opportunities to connect with them throughout
the year. It’s helpful to use that same specificity when making plans, she
added. Replace vague invitations like “We should get together sometime” with
“How’s next Tuesday?”
Commit to consistency. “This
is a hard one,” Nelson said, “but recognize that you will not grow closer to
people unless, and until, you are interacting with them consistently. If you
are not participating in something where you are seeing the same people
regularly, like a book club, or church, then you have to set up the consistency
yourself, and make that happen. That involves scheduling and reaching out and
The relationships with the people you wrote down on that piece
of paper will not go forward, she added, “if you don’t figure out ways to have
more shared experiences and conversations.”
I am haunted by a data point Waldinger mentioned: Over and over,
throughout the lives of participants in the Harvard Study of Adult Development,
he saw friendships deteriorate because of neglect.
Being purposeful about investing time and energy in your
relationships is critical for your well-being, Waldinger said. “The frequency
and the quality of contact with other people are two major predictors of
happiness,” he said.
Ritual is crucial. An easy way to make
the habit stick is to transform even mundane activities into rituals. Cassie
Holmes, a professor at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management and the author of
“Happier Hour: How to Beat Distraction, Expand Your Time, and Focus on What
Matters Most,” said
her research showed that “among some folks, ordinary experiences with loved
ones at the kitchen table produce as much happiness as extraordinary experiences
like that once-in-a-lifetime-vacation.”
A nudge to make you prioritize these ordinary moments with
others, Holmes said, is to routinize them and rebrand them as rituals. Give
them a name, like the standing “Thursday morning coffee date” she has with her daughter.
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