DR Congo says ‘massacre’ left more than 100 dead

(Photo: AFP)

KINSHASA — Three days of national mourning began in the DR Congo on Saturday after the alleged massacre of civilians in the country’s east, with the government now giving a death toll of “more than 100”.اضافة اعلان


On Thursday, the government accused the M23 militia of slaughtering 50 people at Kishishe, a village around 70km north of the city of Goma.


The M23 hit back, saying the allegations were “baseless” and denying that it targeted civilians.


President Felix Tshisekedi “condemned in the strongest terms the massacre of more than 100 compatriots in Kishishe” at a cabinet meeting, according to government spokesman Patrick Muyaya said.


The March 23 movement, or M23, is a predominantly Congolese Tutsi rebel group that was dormant for years.


It took up arms again in November last year and seized the town of Bunagana on the border with Uganda in June.


After a brief period of calm, it went on the offensive again in October, greatly extending the territory under its control and advancing towards Goma.


Kinshasa accuses its smaller neighbor Rwanda of providing M23 with support, something that UN experts and US officials have also pointed to in recent months. Kigali denies the charge.


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