Abuse can take many forms and is always detrimental to a person’s life. It
can occur in nearly any relationship. Some forms can be easier to spot, such as
physical abuse, as it may leave marks and bruises on an individual. However,
there are certain forms of abuse that even the recipient may find difficult to
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Abuse can be subtle but have a profound negative
impact on a person’s life. One such form is emotional abuse; understanding the
many ways emotional abuse may occur can help one recognize it and help put an
end to it.
What is emotional abuse?
Emotional abuse is a way of
controlling an individual by using emotions. The ultimate goal is manipulation.
Emotional abuse generally involves a consistent pattern of abusive words and
bullying behavior, which usually makes individuals have lower self-esteem and
worsening mental health. It is one of the most difficult forms of abuse to spot
since it is typically subtle; it may, however, at times, be overt and blatantly
Emotional abuse cases in Jordan
Measuring the prevalence of
abuse cases is difficult. A large amount of abuse goes unreported, either out
of fear or from a lack of understanding that abuse is occurring in the first
However, based on many studies on the subject, it is
estimated that 50–80 percent of adults will experience emotional abuse.
World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that
36.3 percent of children will experience emotional abuse. Jordan,
unfortunately, is no exception to this global trend.
A 2021 study set out to assess the prevalence of
different forms of abuse of Jordanian women in rural and urban households. The
study found that roughly 50 percent of women experience emotional abuse; rates
of emotional abuse were higher in urban households (57.3 percent).
A 2012 study focused on the many aspects related to
violence against Jordanian women. One such aspect was women’s own beliefs
regarding a husband’s abuse of their wife; 72 percent of women participants
agreed with the statement that the husband has the right to punish any member
of the family, including the wife. This may be an underlying societal aspect
that explains why the prevalence of abuse is high in Jordan.
Abuse, especially emotional abuse, is not something
that happens exclusively to women. Another 2021 study wanted to assess
emotional abuse experienced by Jordanian men in marriages. All the 1,003
Jordanian men randomly selected said that they had experienced some form of
emotional abuse. Although this does not necessarily show prevalence, it does
serve as an important note. As mentioned in this particular study, many other
studies have found that emotional abuse is the most common form of abuse
perpetrated by women.
Children are also subject to emotional abuse. A
study conducted by WHO found that 58.3 percent of children between the ages of
8 and 17 experienced at least one form of psychological violence, which
encompasses emotional abuse. The most common form included being shouted at,
cursed at, insulted, refusal to speak to the child, and blaming the child for
things out of his control.
The overwhelming majority of emotional abuse
suffered by children was perpetrated by family (37.1 percent by siblings and 27.9
percent by parents), but also by teachers (5.7 percent), and peers.
Types of emotional abuse
Studies on emotional abuse
are still relatively new and classifications are still being made. However,
emotional abuse can broadly be categorized into four different types, many of
which overlap. These categories are degrading, shaming, accusing, and
The purpose of degrading is to undermine
self-esteem. It can be done in different ways, but generally involve
humiliating, negating, and/or criticizing. Common examples of this include
belittling accomplishments, calling derogatory names, and insulting one’s
appearance. Degrading may be hard to spot from the outside looking in, but
shaming may be a little more obvious.
The purpose of shaming is to make the other person
feel inadequate and ultimately manipulate one into becoming dependent on one’s
abuser. Common examples of this include monitoring one’s whereabouts,
controlling access to finances, and/or constant lecturing.
Studies suggest that the outcome of emotional abuse can be just as severe as that of physical abuse. In general, it can create a feeling of self-doubt, worthlessness, and self-loathing. One of the greatest impacts of emotional abuse is the loss of self.
With accusing, the purpose is to establish a
hierarchy where one is in control by weaponizing emotions. This can include
trying to instill guilt, trivializing a problem, and/or blaming someone else
for one’s own problems.
Lastly, someone who emotionally abuses tries to
isolate the individual. This serves two functions: separate a person from
anyone who may intervene and stop the abuse; get the abused to prioritize the
abuser’s needs. This can be done by actively turning others against the abused,
dehumanizing him/her, and/or issuing ultimatums.
Effects of emotional abuse
Emotional abuse can have a
profound impact on one’s
mental health and general well-being. Studies suggest
that the outcome of emotional abuse can be just as severe as that of physical
abuse. In general, it can create a feeling of self-doubt, worthlessness, and
self-loathing. One of the greatest impacts of emotional abuse is the loss of
When the abuse is continuous and severe, all the
criticism chips away at the realistic view one has of oneself. In time, one may
start to believe the things one’s partner says and cause the abused to become
hypercritical of the self. This will ultimately create a loop where the abused
no longer feels worthy of anyone else’s affection and becomes trapped within a
relationship, while being abused further. Eventually, the abused may begin to
feel like a burden to others and isolate him/herself from friends and family.
This cycle of abuse can have a profound effect on one’s mental health and cause
disorders such as depression, anxiety, and even eating disorders.
Getting help
There are certain situations
in which the relationship can be salvaged, but it is important to know that one
will likely need an exit strategy.
One of the first steps one can take is to make
oneself a priority. Abusers want the abused to put their needs above their own;
instead, the abused should focus on their own mental and physical health.
Next, one needs to establish boundaries by making it
known that one no longer accepts to be treated a certain way; if the abuse
continues, the conversation should end and the abused should leave the room.
Lastly, it is important to remember that the
abuser’s behavior is not the fault of the abused. More often than not, abusers’
actions are unprovoked, and usually there is nothing one can do to fix them. At
a certain point, it is best to not engage with the abuser.
Do not apologize or try to provide an explanation.
Simply walking away, if the situation allows for it, may be the best outcome.
If a partner, friend, or family member has no intention of fixing their
behavior, then you will need to find a way out.
Creating a support network can help make this process easier
and therapists can help you manage trauma endured.
Jordanian Women’s Union is a
group that aims to help women in abusive relationships. They have a hotline
that provides counseling, as well as social and legal guidance for abused
women. If you or someone you know is in need of their services, their hotline
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